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2015 ProLEER Meeting Summary


Why does high quality talk in ECE matter and how to sustain it? Catherine Snow, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education.

High quality interactions in the Early Childhood classroom. David Dickinson, Professor of Education, Vanderbilt University.

Guidelines for key teacher competencies. Rhian Evans Allvin, Executive Director NAEYC. 


PANEL A: Research to practice: sustaining high quality interactions in Early Childhood Education. Moderator: Kees Broekhof.           

A good start (Un buen comienzo, UBC): Developing early language and literacy in disadvantaged communitiesAlejandra Cortazar. UBC. Chile.  

ConTextos transforma la experiencia educativaDebra Glitter. ConTextos. El Salvador. 

La experiencia de aeioTU en Colombia. Nathalia Mesa, Executive Director aeioTU – Fundación Carulla. Colombia.

PANEL B: Policy to practice: Systems Challenges. Moderator: James Cairns.         

System challenges in teachers proffesional development: the case of nationwide, substantive curricular reforms. Ana María Rodino. State of Costa Rican Education. Costa Rica.                        

Playgroups for inclusion. Clara Barata. Portugal.   

Standardized testing and classroom interactions. Mariana Enguren. Instituto de Esatudios Peruanos. Perú.                    


2014 ProLEER Meeting Summary 


Distilled Elements of the Boston Preschool Experience
Jason Sachs, Director of the Early Childhood Department, Boston Public Schools (BPS)  

Observing and Improving Teacher-Student Interactions
Jennifer LoCasale Crouch,  Researcher, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia

Curriculum: The secret ingredient in early childhood program quality?
Catherine Snow, Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education


PANEL A: National standards in language development in early childhood

The gradual implementation of national language standards for ECE in the Netherlands
Kees Broekhof, Sardes Educational Services, the Netherlands

Chilean Guiding Standards for Early Childhood Teaching Programs.
Marcela Pardo, Center for Advanced Research in Education (CIAE), University of Chile, Chile

Strategy for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care of Colombia.
María Cristina Trujillo, High Presidential Council for Special Programs, Presidencia de la República, Colombia

Communication and Language Standards for Early Childhood Education in Peru.
Micaela Trinidad Wetzell Espinoza, Peruvian Institute for Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Certification of Basic Education, Peru.

 PANEL B: Program evaluation in language development in ECD 

Explicit vocabulary instruction in Chilean Kindergarten classrooms:  Impacts of Un Buen Comienzo and relationships with children’s vocabulary growth.
 Jocelyn Browne, Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA

Understanding and Improving Early Grade Reading Outcomes: The SUMA Project in Peru.
Carol DeShano da Silva, FHI 360, USA

2014 Additional Links

Un Buen Comienzo: guía para promover la lectura en la primer infancia. Burns, Griffin,  C. Snow.  Adaptación por: Alma Carrasco y Leonor Vargas.  Secretaría de Educación Pública, Mexico (2000).  (Versión escaneado de este libro, para compartir internamente).

Boston Public School Systems- Preschool Education webpage. With videos and material, including unit-specific support for the Opening the World of Learning, or OWL, and math (Building Blocks) curricula.  Additionally, Storytelling and Making Learning Visible cover teacher professional development topics. For Policymakers the page contains additional information, including a presentation by Jason Sachs on universal pre-K, using Fall 2013 data showing that their preschool/K1 program is effective at closing the achievement gap (see press release and the full report), and a study from Harvard showing the effects of their pre-K program.

Propuestas de políticas para Educación Inicial, Chile, (Julio 2013). Artículo para orientar políticas sobre la educación inicial de calidad, elaborado por representantes de ProLEER Chile.

“Closing The ‘Word Gap’ Between Rich And Poor.” National Public Radio article on the policy debate to promote higher levels of vocabulary among low-income children, to improve opportunities for life long learning.

“With Preschool On The Agenda, Boston Attracts National Attention.” WBUR article shared by Catherine Snow in her closing remarks. 


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