Information for members
Information for members
Videos: En construcción.
Videos: Under construction
Member resources MEETING SUMMARY 2015 ProLEER Meeting Summary 2015 PLENARIES Why does high quality talk in ECE matter and how to sustain it? Catherine Snow, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education. High quality interactions in the Early Childhood classroom. David Dickinson, Professor of Education, Vanderbilt University. Guidelines for key teacher competencies. Rhian Evans […]
Información de la Reunión Anual
Información de la Reunión Anual 2017: La reunión anual de ProLEER se llevará a cabo del 27 al 29 de Marzo del 2017 en Harvard College Student Organization Center at Hilles, 59 Shephard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Los participantes invitados pertenecen a una variedad de sectores relevantes para el desarrollo educativo en sus países (gobierno, […]
Founding Institutions
Founding Institutions Steering Committee: A 10-member ProLEER steering committee sets the annual agenda, invites participants, and coordinates follow-up and ongoing communication between meetings. Steering committee members are drawn from faculty and senior management at the pioneering institutions: the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Center for […]
Founding Institutions
Founding Institutions Steering Committee: A 10-member ProLEER steering committee sets the annual agenda, invites participants, and coordinates follow-up and ongoing communication between meetings. Steering committee members are drawn from faculty and senior management at the pioneering institutions: the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Center for […]
Instituciones Fundadoras

Instituciones fundadoras ProLEER fue fundada en 2009 como una iniciativa conjunta de alumnos de la Universidad de Harvard en colaboración con la Profesora Catherine Snow del Harvard Graduate School of Education. El grupo tiene como co-anfitriones a Harvard Graduate School of Education, el Center for the Developing Child, y el David Rockefeller Center on […]
Annual Meeting and Goals

Annual Meeting and Goals In support of its mission, ProLEER organizes an annual meeting at Harvard University to bring key international stakeholders together from – academia, civil society, media and government – for a meeting that seeks to: Share cutting-edge knowledge and experience in early education; Foster collaboration among participating individuals, organizations, and countries […]
Annual Meeting and Goals

Annual Meeting and Goals In support of its mission, ProLEER organizes an annual meeting at Harvard University to bring key international stakeholders together from – academia, civil society, media and government – for a meeting that seeks to: Share cutting-edge knowledge and experience in early education; Foster collaboration among participating individuals, organizations, and countries […]